Friday, September 13, 2019

Analytical Framework Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Analytical Framework - Essay Example The third component of analytical framework is the social assessment matrix model. Every component of the social assessment system is vital in identifying various aspects of articles. Posner develops an article that discusses the current issue within the US of treating financial consumers as consenting adults. Identifying whether Posner’s article meets the criteria of establishing social problems as well as solving them is only attainable through assessing the article using the various steps in social assessment process. The following is a step by step analysis of Posner’s article. Step-by-step analysis of Posner’s Article 1. Identification of the key social issues of interest to the business While conducting an article social assessment the first step is to identify some of the key social issues directly linked to the business, which the author has listed. In this step, all issues that affect operations of business are included while those that are too large or systematic for the business to cause a meaningful influence are excluded. Posner identifies varies social issues that directly affects operations of business. The first issue identified by Posner is consumer behavior. Consumer behavior is a vital concept in understanding how consumers purchase or consumer certain commodities. Posner’s identification of consumer behavior is based on financial products. ... Authenticity of articles is measured from the various sources of information that a researcher applied in compiling the information. Posner, in his attempt to develop an authentic, valid, and reliable article obtains data and information from different sources. For instance, Posner uses the Treasury Department as one of the source of information in developing the article. According to the author, Treasury Department’s assertion that there should be application of actual data about how people make financial decisions to develop oversight consumer finance is a vital source of information that helps in developing an authentic article. In addition, Posner uses utterances and assertions from, prominent persons such as Elizabeth Warren, Richard Thaler, and Robert Shiller. Other sources include previously done articles such as the Journal of Economic Perspective and National Bureau of Economic Research Paper. 3. Preliminary Classification and Prioritization of Issues This step requir es reducing the number of issues to manageable size. After identifying consumer behavior in respect to purchasing financial products as well as savings, Posner narrows down the discussion to consumers’ behavior towards purchasing financial products. Narrowing down to this social issue provides ample time and space to provide a critical evaluation of the same. 4. Measuring Current Performance Relative to Key Social Issues In attempts to solve problems or social issues identified, it is of significance when the researcher measures the current performance relative to the key social issues. While employing direct method of measurements, Posner identifies the fact that currently there has been poor consumption of financial product due to insufficient

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